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Highway Department

The County Highway Superintendent, subject to the approval of the Board of County Commissioners, is in charge of constructing, maintaining and repairing all of South Dakota's 24,000 miles of county roads and 3,500 bridges.  Highway Superintendents, in many cases, also maintain the township roads in their county.  In each county, the Highway Superintendent is charged with the direction and supervision of work and keeps record of costs.  The Highway Superintendent must approve all bills associated with county road maintenance before payment.  Payment for work on county road systems is made from the county road and bridge fund.

Jamie Broksieck,
Highway Supterintendent
Highway Office is located at
18028 SD Hwy 15
Clear Lake, SD 57226
Phone: (605) 874-2751
Fax: (605) 874-1311
Summer hours:
Monday-Thursday 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Closed Fridays
Winter hours:
Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Closed all state & federal holidays

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go HOME.

Courthouse hours

8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.

Closed weekends and 

all state and federal holidays


Courthouse address

408 4th Street West

Clear Lake, SD 57226

Please contact the specific  office with your questions or concerns by clicking on the CONTACT US link below.



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