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4-H Youth Program

4-H is America’s largest youth development organization. Members are between the ages of 8 and 18 from both urban and rural communities.  If you want to have fun, make new friends, and learn new things, then 4-H is perfect for you! County and state events such as camps, workshops, performing arts, Achievement Days, Horse Show, Judging, Special Foods, Shooting Sports, and Public Presentations provide additional opportunities and learning experiences outside the club membership experience. Members choose the projects that fit their individual interests.  Check us out on Facebook!!”

In addition to having lots of fun, young people in the 4-H program are more likely to earn better grades and go to college, more likely to be a strong part of their families and communities, and less likely to engage in risky behaviors.

We have moved! The Deuel County Extension Office is located 1 mile west of Clear Lake on Highway 22 at 47494 SD HWY 22. The Deuel County 4-H Program is proud to serve the communities and citizens of Deuel County.

Deb Lessman
4-H Educator

Dawn Fritz
4-H Program Assistant

PO Box 350
47494 SD HWY 22
Clear Lake, SD 57226
Phone 605-874-2681

Monday through Thursday,
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Closed all state & federal holidays


4-H 2025.jpg

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go HOME.

Courthouse hours

8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.

Closed weekends and 

all state and federal holidays


Courthouse address

408 4th Street West

Clear Lake, SD 57226

Please contact the specific  office with your questions or concerns by clicking on the CONTACT US link below.



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